Day 12: Discovering our true selves

Jort van de Bovenkamp

Today we will leave our hotel in Daegu. But first, everybody could sleep in a little and have a nice breakfast before actually leaving at 13:00. We took the bus to our next destination, Haiensa Temple in the Gayasan National Park.

It was a nice bus ride with a lot of possibilities to see what beautiful nature South-Korea has to offer, especially when entering the national park. We arrived at Haiensa Temple for something really special, namely a temple stay.

After we arrived, we were gifted special clothing for usage in the temple. Then it was time for some information about Haiensa Temple, which etiquette to follow and a tour around the temple. Immediately after, it was time for dinner. A special Buddhist dinner in which it is not allowed to speak, and your plate should be entirely empty at the end.

After dinner, we were allowed to watch the Four Instruments Sound Meditation, in which, among others, a very heavy large bell and drum is used. The last activity of the day was making a prayer bead with 108 prostrations. These prostrations were done in the Buddhist way. Now we have finished the day with a self-made bead necklace, a relaxed body and mind, and some hurting knees. Time to get to bed early, as tomorrow we will wake up at 04:00!